Monday, July 8, 2024

A little trip down memory lane

A while ago, my external hard drive crashed and took with it pretty much all the photos I had of the band from it's early-ish days, which was a huge downer. I tried to cobble together as much as I could from emails, old flickr accounts, random CDs I found underneath jackets in old offices (that actually happened) and stuff. I wasn't able to get all of it back, but I did get a bit. Anyway, the other day my old mate John Banks (he of Time Lapse & Arrivals covers, as well as a plethora of promo photos over the years) sent over a bunch of stuff he'd found on his old computers and although I've backed it all up a billion times now, I thought I'd put them up here too, if not just for my own sake than having an actually quite interesting blog post full of pictures of myself looking remarkably baby faced.

These were all from 2006-08 (I think!) certainly nothing after that anyway. Mainly in and around Manchester, as we used to play there an awful lot and John is from there, so would always show up with his Camera:

This was in the basement of a pub called the Bay Horse, no idea why we used to play there all the fucking time

The Bay Horse again, rockin' out.

Another one from the Bay Horse

This was at The Brudenell in Leeds, just before one of those pretty little tealights burned through the mouse cable and almost stopped the show. Managed to press play on Reason just before it did that, and as it was the last track, salvaged the set. Still had to put out a mini fire though haha. 

No idea where this was, but I still have that t-shirt somewhere. I used to bow the guitar quite a bit in the early days, but only started doing that in '08-ish, so I'm guessing this is from that period.

Look at how much hair I used to have! Amazing.  

No idea where this was either, but could be the Star and Garter in Manchester. Rockin' a Belle & Sebastian t-shirt there.

I forget which gig this was, but it was Upstairs at the Library in Leeds - it used to have a huge screen behind it so you'd get these cool silhouettes from time to time.

Another one from The Library. It's called The Lending Room now lol

One from St. George's Hall in Bradford. It was part of a big night they used to do monthly called BD1 Live, where cool young promoters were invited to put stuff on there. We played with I Like Trains and Falconetti at this one. Was a great night!

Haven't got a clue about this one, but my hair is a bit shorter and that isn't my guitar, so could be anwhere, any time lol

Cafe Saki in Rusholme, Manchester - possibly 2006?

Another one at Saki. It was a restaurant if memory serves, but the guys who ran it just let kids put on shows upstairs after hours. Was always a laugh.

Saki again maybe? No idea. It's most probably somewhere in Manchester. Someone wearing sandals (?!) in the background there.

From the band's first photo shoot, somewhere near Alderley Edge in the posh bit of Manchester. Used to take myself very seriously, as you can probably tell here lol.

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