Friday, December 20, 2024

"what were the skies like when you were young?"

Co-workers asked me the other day "why do you hate spotify?" and truly, I could've gone on for hours. I didn't (much to their relief) but thought I'd write down my thoughts and opinions on it seeing as how a few angry missives have been the total sum of my output on the subject. So here you go: my opinions and thoughts on it.

People like to view the music industry through various different lenses, but in the end it's all connected. You can trace the fact your favourite band doesn't come to your city, back to why they only put stuff out on vinyl or why they break up after 18 months. It's all very, very connected.

shout out to Max, aka Peretsky for this one

I didn't always loathe spotify.

Y'see, back in the day, we were all sold this lie of 'music democratization'. The thinking was that if you could blow up online (using social media & blogs primarily), you could bypass all those nasty A&R dudes at big labels and just do it all yourself. Slowly but surely though, blogs disappeared as the ad money dried up and people got older, apps and sites started to shift around from an 'anything goes' model to a 'you need to pay us to reach your own fans' one, and people got bored & broke, so bands needed to reset again. Ironically the tradtional methods just crept back in- A&Rs, big labels, management types, booking agents, etc. it all just reverted to type, but we were all locked in to these behemoths like Facebook and Twitter. Everything became about numbers. Big, pointless numbers. I'll never forget a manager telling me that satan wouldn't get a booking agent until we had 10,000 followers on our Facebook page. I mean, it was nonsense, complete bollocks, but he believed it so passionately.

So anyway, in amongst all this, you had a growing problem of piracy. It'd moved on from just 'download 1 song a week' like the old Napster days, to 'fill this entire harddrive in 30 minutes' as technology and internet speeds got better. And so, people moved their focus from the new Metallica album to very DIY bands that didn't exactly make any money in the first place. So far, so 'democratized'. People helped themselves, and sometimes that was fine, other times it wasn't, but it made no difference. You were fucked either way. "I'll buy tickets to your shows!" they used to say, despite the fact we barely ever played outside of Leeds and they lived in California. But, whatever, it is what it was.

So some tech bros spotted this gap in the market and ran with it. Spotify was born, and now kids wouldn't need to download half a terrabyte of your life's work in 20 minutes as they could just stream it - you didn't even need to be good with computers, it was user friendly! Even your mum could stream stuff! And we'd get royalties! I mean, they're not great, but they'd get better, right? 

Yeah, sure.

So extrapolate that to right now, and we have Spotify paying $0.003 per stream (and even less if you agree to cut your rate to boost your music through their algorithm), jumping into bed with AI arms manufacturers, an incredibly regressive practice of only paying out tracks that have had 1,000 or more plays every year, and a music industry that is, even at this smaller level, completely and utterly fucked.

Even if you remove the arms stuff, and the payment stuff, and the 1,000 stream stuff, and you simply focus on Spotify as a thing in and of itself, and it fails to get any better. In fact it might be worse.

Streaming didn't have to be this way - it has the means to be better for all concerned, but it won't. I don't think it ever will, simply because it's just awash in so much money.

Bands and artists continue to upload their work, knowing that if it hits 999 streams in a year, those royalties generated will get just given to god knows who for no particular reason. It's FOMO on a huge scale, combined with that nagging hangover from the big blog days of the mid 10s - "this year will be my year!"

It's the apathy that absolutely does me in. Artists, bands, music industry people, shitposters on Instagram - everyone's been banging on about what a total shitshow Spotify is, has been and continues to be for a while now, and it's largely just been met with an almighty shrugging of shoulders, and carrying on, because 'well yeah, but I've got my playlists on there, and I like my Spotify wrapped!', despite the arms tech investments, despite the meagre royalties, despite the sacking of their editorial team, despite the 1,000 play thing, despite the creaking tech that's full of bugs, despite the adding audiobooks to they could argue for an even *lower* royalty rate, despite the general cheapening and disconnection of music, despite the explosion of shitty AI slop, despite one man masquerading as many different artists being responsible for a huge royalty payout by juicing the system, despite the literal owner of the platform claiming that 'content' doesn't take any money to make these days, despite everything, despite all of that. But people just think it's a bit of fun.

And you can scream it from the rooftops, but it's hard to snap people out of it. I mean, I'd understand if spotify was the only game in town, but it's clearly not - you've endless supplies of streamers if that's what you want. Hell, you could even just go back to buying things too, but if you want to keep streaming, you've so many other options - Tidal, Deezer, Apple, Bandcamp, Amazon, even fucking YouTube - it's not hard to just switch up. It's the weakest amount of pressure that's ever been applied to anyone's life, but people still seem so resistant, so hesitant to ditch it.

Even if you divorce all of that from spotify, what you're left with is a hollow experience: music as an unlimited trough of 'stuff', of 'content', with no regard to how it managed to come into existence - is this some AI slop generated by a guy somewhere sat at a computer? Maybe? Who knows, anyway, here's the new Snow Patrol album, here's a new Drake song, here's an advert, here's the new Blink 182 song, here's another advert, here's a longer advert, here's a song by a band that toured with Blink 182 and is most probably paying through the nose to be in your ears right now, here's another advert. 

Always remember: you're only ever paying for access to a certain number of things, never the things themselves with streaming. At any given point, access can be revoked for whatever reason, and if that happens: what do you do next? I remember when Mos Def's The Ecstatic left streamers, and kids just didn't know how to act - I saw a petition to get it back, when the CD was just sat there for like £5. You guys ever thought about just heading to a record store?

One thing I love about those Amoeba 'What's in my bag?' videos is that just one of them - just one 12 minute video - contains more joy and connection and life affirming love for music than anything Spotify can ever hope to give you. Here's Pallbearer talking about a solo flute album that was recorded in the Egyptian pyramids. Here's Keanu Reeves' band Dogstar recommending Big Star, Tom Petty and New Order. Here's Blood Incantation talking about why they love Steve Hillage and Klaus Schultze. Here's Marc Maron talking about Can and Thelonious Monk. Here's Alvvays talking about why they like Enya. It's fucking great, and even if you don't like the music, you can feel the connections, you can feel the passion in which they talk about how music and art shaped their lives. Why wouldn't you want something like that?

You don't need access to every record ever made (despite the fact spotify doesn't currently contain every record ever made), you need a few records that you'll absolutely love, and to get to that point, you need to do the hard yards I'm afraid - you need to see shows, listen to albums that stink, go and look in a record shop, talk to people, talk to your friends! Make friends with bands! See what they like, see where they came from, get involved in scenes! Read books! Make a zine! Fuck me, the possibilites are *endless*, why you would want to outsource the music discovery element of all this to a fuckin algorithm, I don't know. "oh but I don't have time" yeah, no-one does! Listen to cool mixes then, put the radio on, ask 1 person right now for a recommendation and go from there. It's not hard! In fact, it's never been easier! Or more fun! Fuck me. 

Bands/ artists: ask yourself, seriously and deeply. Look in the mirror calmly and just quietly ask yourself: what is Spotify actually doing for me? Look at your numbers, your money, your stats, your place in the world and just ask yourself is it worth it? You might have a billion streams on something, but you've no way of reaching anyone who's streamed it - does that not seem a bit weird to you? All the numbers in the world won't get you any further along because the biz is simply a closed door to you, to me, to all of us in the same boat. Your big shot at the big time will not come because of spotify - it'll come through doing what we've always done: the hard yards. The big numbers might seem important, but they're just a mirage. Would it make the music any better if I just paid for bots to stream it all day? And there's nothing to say that the more organic streams you get, the more spotify will punish you because it just thinks (ie. most probably uses AI) you've done it against the rules. And there's no comeback to that - you can't argue with them because there's no-one there to argue against, just a memory hole of AI chatbots. Game over.

It's all connected my friends - if you don't invest any time in music, then don't be surprised that the next artist that could change your life just jacks it in after a few years - it's really, really fucking difficult out there. Venues are drying up, the money's all gone, we're being squeezed at every single corner, so the least you can do is just sit and listen. Not just to the music, but listen to what the challenges are these days and try, in any small or seemingly insignificant way, to help out. Most of those ways are totally free too! Sign up to a mailing list, watch a video, stream a song, post on your socials about a record you like, do something - do anything, it's all connected.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Favourite albums of 2024

Just thought I'd do a bit of an end-of-year list here for some records that came out in the last 12 months that I really enjoyed. So, in no particular order...

Cahill Costello - Cahill//Costello II

Drew McDowall - A Thread, Silvered and Trembling

Sean Curtis Patrick - Happy Home

Underworld - Strawberry Hotel

Moin - You Never End

Big|Brave - A Chaos of Flowers

Coded Marking - s/t (hot damn, this one's a belter- Krautrock infused post-punk!)

Broadcast - Distant Call / Spell Blanket

LL Cool J - the Force (enjoyed this one too! Can and Gary Numan samples! Q-Tip production!)

Universal Order of Armageddon - s/t

Majesty Crush - Butterflies Don't Go Away

Beak> - >>>>

Knocked Loose - You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To (OOOOF. A+)

USA Nails - Feel Worse

Cheekface - It's Sorted

Ike Yard - 1982

Dean McPhee- Astral Gold

Burial - Dreamfear/ Boy Sent From Above

Some other stuff I enjoyed this year:

Reading both 'Sellout' by Dan Ozzi and 'Our Band Could Be Your Life' by Michael Azerrad and discovering a whole treasure trove of stuff I'd missed from over the years.

The continuted decline of Man City

Aston Villa beating Bayern Munich 1-0 the day before I went on holiday (albeit now Villa on a continued decline lol)

Meeting snooker legend Steve Davis in Leeds and talking to him about Basic Channel

Josh Pugh videos

Getting a Nathan Fake remix, and realising that the front cover to his debut album was a photo of a village green just down the road from my parents, that I duly went to visit.

Finally seeing GY!BE live

That boybands documentary on the BBC

Pictureville being back open in Bradford, and seeing a restored Terminator 1 as the first film back

The Audi song by Satelliti


Satan '24

As we're approaching the end of the year, I thought I'd collate all the releases I had out this year, just in case you missed any! So here we go, fill in those gaps if there are any...



If Not Now, When

If Not Then, Maybe Now

Two Heaters


Windows (as Marta Mist)

More Meat for the Grinder (Nathan Fake remix)

Live 2024

Quite the list, eh?

See you in 2025!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Stop using AI slop in your album art

Ah man, c'mon now.

Spurred on by two things: this skeet (yes that's what we're calling Bluesky posts now) by Posthuman, and the fact that Blank Tape had it's birthday a few days ago, I just wanted to say, for the record, that AI album covers look like absolute shit.

I'm sorry, but they all look exactly the same, like a fucking takeaway menu or something, and even after you divorce the catastrophic environmental impact it has, not to mention the theft of millions of copyrighted works, or the very questionable business practices by a lot of them, the fact of the matter is it looks and feels like absolute shit.

I mentioned Blank Tape, because the argument I heard more often than not in that Bluesky thread was 'oh I don't have time' or 'I don't have the money', etc. and I'm like, buddy - you think worriedaboutsatan has millions of pounds for these things? No of course I don't, but I do what every single artist has had to do for every release they've ever done up until the year 2024: get creative. Blank Tape's cover is just a photo of my garage door with a Critteri visual synth blasting at it. Literally all it is - took longer to clean the garage than it did to take the shot, but it means that the aesthetic of the album, the feel of it, remains 1) something I controlled and 2) connects on a much greater scale than AI slop ever could. It does not, I'd like to think, look like absolute shit.

There were lots of arguments for and against being chucked about all day, but the one I just can't get out of my head is: what are you even doing this for if you're going to just cop out right at the point where you want to draw attention to this wonderful piece of art you've just created? Typing "I dunno, some trees or something" into an AI generator and slapping that as your cover just screams "sorry, couldn't be arsed even doing the absolute bare minimum to present this incredible piece of music to the world, so I cheaped out and slapped some slop I found" - like carrying around a £10k guitar in a binbag - why would you do that?! Just to reiterate: it looks like absolute shit.

The only reason you're making music, I'm guessing, is because you have some feeling, or some sort of emotion that you want to express in a musical form - that's literally the reason art exists. If you outsource one very vital part of that to a computer, why should I be bothered by it? I can log onto Facebook and see millions of grandpa AI slop pictures if I want, none of them really resonate or connect on any level, because it's not trying to express anything - it can't by it's very being. Computers don't feel emotions, or have vibes or know what looks aesthetically pleasing - it's just a deeply inhuman attempt at making something it thinks it's vaguely like what you're after. Why should I try to connect with this piece of art, musical or otherwise, if you're just giving that job to a computer? It doesn't feel, so why should I try to? If you can't be arsed mate, I'm not going to be - why? Because these things look like absolute shit.

And anyway, as this skeet from Tarotplane explains, making friends with other cool artistic people is fucking ace. Why would you not want to do that?! If you can't bring yourself to make a cover yourself, well then find someone who can! More often than not, you can licence a picture pretty cheaply, or free if you're mates - the last couple of satan releases that had covers which weren't by me were just by friends who very kindly offered their photos completely free of charge - Providence, Crystalline, Falling But Not Alone, Time Lapse - all were free. Why? Because I made friends with cool people, and although I offered to pay them, they didn't want it because they believed in the artistic value of it. And it's that easy! Jusk ask! Tarotplane even revealed that a Gerhard Richter piece they used as a cover cost them the sum of €25 euros for the admin fee - that's insane! Use your fucking brain, your imagination, the very thing you're supposed to be presenting to the world with your music, because I'm sorry, but these things look like absolute shit.

Making a cover should be fun too, the whole process should be fun to be honest - I'm not here to impart a lecture about the value of art, etc. but as none of us are making mega bucks, the whole process should be fucking fun. There's no joy in just typing a prompt, burning a rainforest and ripping off millions of artists so you can have a front cover that looks like absolute shit. Have some fucking joy in it! If you still can't find or make a picture for your art, then go to MSpaint and fill a big square with any colour. Because even that is more creative than letting some computer program do it for you. Whip out your camera phone, download a trial of Photoshop, talk to some people, do something. "oh but I just make the music, I can't do art" well tough shit buddy, it's 2024 so you're gonna have to learn. We all did! It's easy, it's fun, it's never been easier and never been more fun to do it. Buy a cheap camera off ebay, use your camera phone, do fucking anything, I beg you, than use AI for your covers, because:


Friday, October 25, 2024

Nathan Fake

Out today! A remix by the one and only Nathan Fake.

I've been a fan of Nathan's for years, so to have him mangle up a track of mine is pretty much a dream come true. Think I even tried to book him to play a church in 2008 lol.

Anyway, it's pay what you want and it's here:

I was so excited when he agreed to do this too, as I'd been having a hard time of it with 'the biz' and my place in it. In honesty, I had some budget set aside to help the band move forward, but all the PR people I contacted wouldn't take it, so it got me thinking about better uses of that money. The first thing that sprung to mind was to shoot my shot with someone way bigger than me and see if I could score a remix. To my astonishment, Nathan said yes, so he's a total legend for that straight off the bat, but hearing his take on my track is just double legendary.

Anyway, I very much hope you all enjoy it.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Supertramp and nostalgia

I was sat listening to Supertramp's first album the other day, and whilst that might sound like a weird way to open a blog post about the band worriedaboutsatan, it actually got me thinking loads about everything. Y'see, we used to listen to this album very specifically on the way either to or from gigs - we'd have CD wallets bursting with the most random stuff we could find to make the journey go quicker - stupid novelty songs, random long forgotten nu metal albums, and after I raided a bargain bin for 50p, Supertramp's first album.

It's actually a nice little thing, just fairly inoffensive 70s folksy prog sort of stuff - very 'Canterbury Scene', but it soundtracked quite a large chunk of satan's gigging life. So when it came on again, I instantly remembered driving up the M1 at 3am after a gig, or stuck in rush hour traffic in London, or empty motorways in the dark - it's bloody vivid stuff, this Supertramp album haha.

But as much as I loved those days, it also came with the realisation that you have to put those behind you, or risk being swallowed up in nostalgia completely. 

I can sit and think about how driven the band was back than - how much we wanted to push everything and how we'd have lazer focused goals of getting on in 'the biz' and things like that, but now as a balding, portly 41 year old, it smacks you in the face at how much those days are just no longer there. And that's fine! These things always tend to go this way - you can't stay on the road forever, you can't keep harking after a music business template that simply doesn't exist anymore, and you have to move on and change.

It's hard, re-wiring your brain, no-one wants to do that, it's nice living in your memories, and having ideas about stuff, but sooner or later, you'll have to do it or you'll literally go insane. Your priorities change, your ideals change, your idea of 'making it' changes, it all changes - you just have to be ahead of the curve in that change. For me, it's meant having gigging take a back seat and just focusing on making records and just selling them to people who find it.

If you'd have told me 10 years ago that it goes this way, I'd be horrified, but now I'm here, it's alright y'know. Just keep buying the records, lol ;)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Two Heaters


Some new satan for you, out today.

It's a double pack of dub techno jams I did relatively recently, and thought they sounded pretty good together. I'd realised, after listening to Basic Channel and Deepchord non-stop for a week, that satan used to do a neat sideline in this sort of atmospheric techno sound, and I'd neglected that side of the band for a while, which I thought was a shame, as it's always fun putting this sort of stuff together. 

Anyway, I sat down and just jammed out these two - didn't really think too much, didn't do *that* much work on them, just wanted them to feel loose and live and full of energy. Hope you like them, I also didn't think too much of a release 'strategy' either - just 'here you go - enjoy' vibes haha. 

So... here you go, enjoy:

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Live, 2024

I keep forgetting to post this here, so *finally* I've remembered. High fives to me, eh? Anyway, here's a recording of the latest worriedaboutsatan live set. It's changed a bit since last time, and changed loads since a lot of you saw the band live, pre-2019. 

Anyway, it's all semi-improvised and all brand new stuff too! We have a gig which we'll debut this set at, and it's at Leeds' Headrow House on September 4th, supporting the mighty Utopia Strong! Tickets are here, and if you want cheaplist, just lemme know as I have some space for it. 

See you there!

Monday, July 15, 2024


I’ve been reading a lot of Ed Zitron lately. In his newsletters (and podcast!) he talks about things like enshittification, the rot economy, tech CEOs becoming isolated and weird… you know, all the things wrong with modern life, and I had a sort of brainwave this morning that it underpins something I’ve been thinking about the past year or so.

Around this time a year ago, I gave up my X account. Aside from all the moral and ethical concerns about supporting far-right weirdos and their new toys, the platform also became borderline unusable from a band perspective. If I can’t reach anyone, and I’m not exactly having a great time having to put up with porn bots and endless ‘discourse’, what’s the point in having this thing again? Whilst I admit there’s still no comparable site to move onto, I always had the nagging feeling in the back of my head, saying ‘do I even want a comparable site?’ - Bluesky’s cool, but it’s still small. Threads is… just Threads at this point - an overly sanitised, boring engagement bait mess. An experience comparable with arguing in an airport duty free shop, essentially where Linkedin ends and Facebook begins. Anyway, I digress.

The thing with big tech is, that throughout my life, and my career as a budding, never-quite-popular DIY musician, it’s been there to help for a large part of that. I can remember the days before broadband, before most social networks - I was there for the boom and bust of music blogs, I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… etc. It was tough back then, and the internet alongside tech advances made a lot of it easier - I can download an mp3 and stick it on my iPod, that sort of thing. Now, however, I don’t think many would really go to bat for tech, or for social media for that matter.

Which brings me back to my point about X (it’s not twitter anymore lads, hasn’t been for quite some time) - you’d really, really struggle to find anyone enthusiastic about using it, or many other places like it. They suck, they’re run by hyper capitalist dorks who want to squeeze every penny out of you, and give you an experience that’s just-about-functional, but far from actually enjoyable. Because it’s easier and cheaper to do that. Facebook doesn’t need to innovate, it has half the world signed up to it, why would they bother now? It’s swimming in scams and AI generated slop, but they don’t care, why would they? They make more money than god on an hourly basis.

Anyway, I digress again. It got me thinking about my relationship with these things, and what joy, and/ or usefulness they give to me, to bands, to artists, to anyone even remotely creative. And the answer is always ‘yeah, not much as it happens’. They’re all a mess - confusing, restrictive, broken most of the time, awash with nazis the rest… the list goes on. So why do we bother? “oh well y’know… my fans are on there! I have to use it for ‘the biz’, I have to keep my numbers up!” - I hear stuff like that all the time, and have been known to utter it myself too. But thinking about it, really drilling down into it, it’s all bollocks. You don’t need these places - sure, they might make life an iota more easier, especially if you have a new record or a tour or something, but if you can’t reach anyone anyway, seriously… what’s the point?

It’s 2024 now, and as most of these social media places are either coalescing into a sludge of blind rage, abject tedium, or both, it’s becoming more and more apparent that you have agency now to go where you want and use what you like. That agency is so, so special - I remember the times before it was yanked away from most of us by social media companies - the thought of a band not having a Facebook page in 2013 was career suicide, and something that brought band managers I knew at the time out in hives. But now, you have the agency to do something about it - you don’t have to use Facebook, certainly not in the same way we used to use it. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do now. This rings true more for the DIY people reading this than it does someone on a label, being subtly prodded to help pay back that advance in any way they can, but it makes me even angrier when I see my fellow DIY-ers constantly having to play a game that’s rigged against them from the start, and not realising you don’t have to play it.

Spotify, by and large, is a colossal waste of time. Stop using it! It doesn’t pay fairly, it’s riddled with copycat AI generated garbage, and did I mention it doesn’t pay fairly? You can hop on over to Apple, Deezer, Youtube, Amazon, Tidal, etc. There are so many alternatives to spotify. Use them! Or Don’t! It’s up to you, it’s your agency. Don’t feel the need to constantly ‘be on’ or update stuff all the time - you’ve probably just as much luck hitting the jackpot from some kid using 3 seconds of your song on tiktok as you are trying to play the game with ‘the biz’.

I stopped even doing things like pre-orders, let alone pre-release singles and videos, because I could. I didn’t need to do it, so I stopped. Hell, you don’t even need to release on a Friday if you don’t want to. I think we should all get back a little bit to those wild west days of just doing whatever the fuck, instead of feeling the need to put little icons of social media companies in your banners - they couldn’t give the slightest shit about you, so why not do likewise?

I appreciate this does come across as a bit ‘old man yells at cloud’, and there’ll be nuances and all sorts of situations where this idealist claptrap just won’t fly, but for the sake of my sanity, please at least just take away the general vibe, the general feeling of this weird rant. Again, it’s 2024 - you do not need to do anything you don’t want to do. And if you are being told to do something you don’t want to do, at least question it. At least ask if there’s another way, because these fucking companies won’t last forever, but in some way, however small, your music will.

Monday, July 8, 2024

A little trip down memory lane

A while ago, my external hard drive crashed and took with it pretty much all the photos I had of the band from it's early-ish days, which was a huge downer. I tried to cobble together as much as I could from emails, old flickr accounts, random CDs I found underneath jackets in old offices (that actually happened) and stuff. I wasn't able to get all of it back, but I did get a bit. Anyway, the other day my old mate John Banks (he of Time Lapse & Arrivals covers, as well as a plethora of promo photos over the years) sent over a bunch of stuff he'd found on his old computers and although I've backed it all up a billion times now, I thought I'd put them up here too, if not just for my own sake than having an actually quite interesting blog post full of pictures of myself looking remarkably baby faced.

These were all from 2006-08 (I think!) certainly nothing after that anyway. Mainly in and around Manchester, as we used to play there an awful lot and John is from there, so would always show up with his Camera:

This was in the basement of a pub called the Bay Horse, no idea why we used to play there all the fucking time

The Bay Horse again, rockin' out.

Another one from the Bay Horse

This was at The Brudenell in Leeds, just before one of those pretty little tealights burned through the mouse cable and almost stopped the show. Managed to press play on Reason just before it did that, and as it was the last track, salvaged the set. Still had to put out a mini fire though haha. 

No idea where this was, but I still have that t-shirt somewhere. I used to bow the guitar quite a bit in the early days, but only started doing that in '08-ish, so I'm guessing this is from that period.

Look at how much hair I used to have! Amazing.  

No idea where this was either, but could be the Star and Garter in Manchester. Rockin' a Belle & Sebastian t-shirt there.

I forget which gig this was, but it was Upstairs at the Library in Leeds - it used to have a huge screen behind it so you'd get these cool silhouettes from time to time.

Another one from The Library. It's called The Lending Room now lol

One from St. George's Hall in Bradford. It was part of a big night they used to do monthly called BD1 Live, where cool young promoters were invited to put stuff on there. We played with I Like Trains and Falconetti at this one. Was a great night!

Haven't got a clue about this one, but my hair is a bit shorter and that isn't my guitar, so could be anwhere, any time lol

Cafe Saki in Rusholme, Manchester - possibly 2006?

Another one at Saki. It was a restaurant if memory serves, but the guys who ran it just let kids put on shows upstairs after hours. Was always a laugh.

Saki again maybe? No idea. It's most probably somewhere in Manchester. Someone wearing sandals (?!) in the background there.

From the band's first photo shoot, somewhere near Alderley Edge in the posh bit of Manchester. Used to take myself very seriously, as you can probably tell here lol.

Friday, June 21, 2024

If Not Then, Maybe Now

Back when I was putting together the last album, If Not Now When, I had a few bits that I'd recorded a while ago floating about. Mainly just 'I'm bored, so lets plug everything in and have a jam' sort of things, but I had a good few of them kicking about.

Two of them made it onto the album (Acid House Matinee and Teufelstanz), but there were a few left over that I thought sounded pretty good, but maybe didn't work in terms of the album, and wanted them to get their flowers, rather than sit stagnating on a hard drive.

So, with that in mind, I thought 'fuck it' and bobbed them out on Bandcamp as a self-contained little pay-what-you-want companion EP to the album. All three were recorded in one take each (give or take the odd overdub, or cuting out a bum note or two) and have that sort of loose, summery feel that's perfect for this time of year. 

Anyway, enjoy!

Thursday, June 6, 2024


Truth be told, when I first launched a patreon, I really didn't know what I was doing. I went full-on, overdrive and threw everything at it: you wanted production advice? I could do that! You wanted sample packs and live shows? I'll do it! Here, have long forgotten tracks from the archive, have a discount code, some merch, behind the scenes videos... the list was endless, and it took a bit of time to understand that the people that very kindly signed up to it wanted... absolutely none of that whatsoever. They wanted to show support and to maybe get first dibs on albums, and that was about it. 

I came close to just cancelling the whole thing, as I'd just started a new job and didn't really have a lot of time to dedicate to it, so felt bad that I was ripping people off by charging them every month, but once again, people just told me that they just wanted to support the band, and didn't really expect anything more. I should probably just listen more! I am an idiot. 

Anyway, so I came up with a compromise, and that was to dig into the bones of what made the Patreon so good in the first place, discard the rest and keep it super simple, which is where we are now, with this satan Patreon 2.0.

I've ditched the tiering system, so it's a flat £5 a month, and you can come and go as you please - don't think of it as a lifetime membership or anything, it's fine to just swing by for a month or two. I've kept the core things that people enjoyed, and the ones I enjoyed doing, and binned the rest. So, for your money each month, you now get:

Access and downloads to records 2 weeks before they land elsewhere, sneak peeks at up-coming records, video and audio of new live sets that me and Sophie play in the studio, discount codes on merch and physical items, Q&As, and my personal favourite: the mix series (which are sort of a hybrid between 'mix' mixes and radio shows these days)

Genuinely feels good to be able to offer all that, and I hope some of you come on over. You can sign up here, and if you've any questions, just ping me and I'll do my best to answer.

Friday, May 17, 2024

If Not Now, When

It's new (double) album time!

Also it's pay-what-you-want as it's my birthday today, so fill yr boots:

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The big squeeze

Seeing two DIY bands who are friends of mine, in completely different music scenes, both express a resigned exhaustion at the state of live music last night was a real depressing eye opener.

Both DIY, both on the hunt for gigs, both desperate to play live and meet people and do all the good stuff that comes with playing live, and both utterly fed up. Can't say I blame them either, as I'm in exactly the same boat.

Bookings ain't what they used to be, and usually if I'd get fed up at the state of things, I'd just book a load of rooms myself and just promote a tour that way, but I've been completely unable to do that this year either. Venues closing down, or ramping up prices (gigging in Glasgow went from £50 to £150 for room hire alone) means you either lose a ton of money, or you just don't bother. 

And why would you bother? Audiences are fairly thin on the ground at the moment, and only getting spread thinner due to more and more mid level bands hoovering up the only venues and promoters left, and realistically who are those venue owners going to trust to fill their places more? A balding 40 year old with dreams of getting 20 people in a room to listen to his unsigned ambient electronica, or a hot new band on a label with a booking agent whispering in their ear about how much of a push they're getting from various press outlets, etc?

It works for them, but just means myself (and the countless other bands in the same boat) have fuck all places to actually go and play. There's no sweatbox anymore, little places you can cram a few sweaty people into and have a good time for very little money, where you can try out a few new bits in a pressure free environment. It absolutely sucks.

So outside of booking a tour where I (once again) would have to book rooms, promote, do sound, the door, etc. all myself, there aren't not a lot of options. And I'm the lucky one here too, as I've amassed a fairly respectable audience for my stuff. It's not massive by any stretch, but those new bands trying to get someone to listen to them are in a really shit position:the mid level touring act brimming with industry and investment rolls into town and hoovers up all the money and audience, the huge acts like your Taylor Swifts just annihilate everything else, and you're left looking at a DIY scene with limited funds, limited spaces and limited opportunities. No wonder so many just jack it in.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Poindexter lives!

l-r: Leon (bass), Simon (keys), me (guitar)

At the weekend I met up with half of my old band from back in the old, old days of 2003ish, Johnny Poindexter. Yes, it was a stupid name for a band (I have form in this, don't forget), but it was actually supposed to be a very 'serious' post-rock band. Which is funny, because it started as just a way of me and a few pals from where I grew up to just piss about with guitars and stuff like that. 

It grew out of that and into a very po-faced post-rock band in the end though, and by 2005ish, we were gigging around Leeds, and had put out a record. It was fun, but these things never last do they? It eventually led into worriedaboutsatan though, so I do owe it quite a bit.

I'd lost touch with Leon, who played bass in the post-rock days, until Simon (who I very much am still in contact with, as he lives down the road) put together a day out around some breweries around where we live. Was really nice to see Leon again, and always nice to have a natter with Si, reminiscing about the old days and all that stuff old people do over pints.

But yeah, it's nice! Give your old pals a ring and go for a beer. consider this a PSA! Especially if you used to be in a band: just meet up and have a drink, it's great!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Halcyon days

It's weird how with age, and a crumbling grassroots music industry, your priorities start to shift. 

Back in the day, I'd have been a real, proper, arsehole about how to push the band and how to get what I'd deem as 'famous' - getting signed, get a manager, a label, booking agent, etc. and now, as I'm approaching my 41st birthday, I look at all that same stuff and just think how absolutely not-for-me it all is.

Don't get me wrong, if Warp rang me tomorrow, you best believe I'd be there with bells on, but unless a miracle happens, that'll stay as satan fanfic for the forseeable. It's so strange, because a lot of what this business is based on, is just bullshit - there's no real reason why anyone gets signed over anyone else, or why someone sees something in one band but not in another - it's totally up to the hands of fate really, but 'the biz' has a real weird way of getting you to think the opposite, like you should suddenly go to war to get a record put out by someone. 

My increasing age, wasitline, and bald patch has meant that I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of booking yet another DIY tour round the same 5 venues, but for the first time in while, I'm completely cool with that. It's taking your foot off the gas, but all the voices in your head, and all the ones online, saying how you should keep it on there because 'you never know'. Well, I mean, in 2024: who fucking cares?

Time was I'd be trying to push the band to everything, but looking back now, it's funny how futile all that was. You've no idea how many times, in the years between 2010-2016ish, that I heard of some new fangled way to 'make it big' - game the algorithm! do this! go viral! do that! start a new project! re-brand your facebook! - so much of it was about trying to cut an imaginary corner, trying to be fake famous, gaming some system or other to trick people into liking you. All of the blog-heavy scene of those years was essentially built around that, and looking back, maaaaaan... what a waste of time. It's no coincidence the whole 'anonymous producer' thing was big around then - it was just people trying anything to get signed, by any means neccesary.

I dunno what the point of all this whinging is, but I'd like to believe that these days, I can just pop a record out, a few of you will buy it, and that's fine. Whereas once I'd be mega jealous of a band doing an insanely long tour, or having a fancy record out, now I just realise the extra baggage that comes with all that, and if I can just sit here and spout nonsense and post silly pictures and all that, yet still shift a few records to people that want them, then that's fine with me. I'm in my grandad-sat-on-the-front-porch era, and that's absolutely fine. I suppose it's a paean to just knowing you have it pretty good and learning to live with that.

Once, there was someone that suggested satan change it's name, because of the connotations with the word 'satan' and how hard it is to market something with that name, and a younger me would've wrestled with a way to get around that, but a 40+ me just, and I can't stress this enough, be fucked. If no-one wants it, fine, I'll stop, but some people do and it's those that honestly keep me going.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Hi Prog readers!

If you've seen the ad in Prog Magazine, may I take this opportunity to say hi- Hi there! Welcome. My name's Gavin and I make music under the name worriedaboutsatan (it's a long story lol). 

Anyway, The album I placed that ad for is called JÆJA, sounds quite kosmische-y (think NEU! Can, Tangerine Dream, etc) and you can hear it here:

It's cheap if you wanna buy it, and please consider signing up to my Bandcamp mailing list too if you've a spare 5 minutes. 

Thanks and hopefully see you around,


Thursday, January 25, 2024


Tour plan 2024.txt

- [city one] talk to promoter (promoter fully booked for 6-12 months as they're the only game in town)

- [city two] book cool DIY venue (venue now closed, nearest DIY one is triple the hire cost of that one)

- [city three] try to jump on a support (the only shows coming up aren't suitable or are fucking massive)

- [city four] talk to promoter (can only offer small fee, which is fine, but can't afford to travel on it)

- [city five] book cool arts space (is in a hard-to-get-to part of town, also hire cost is 20% more than it was last time I hired it, which was already way over my budget)

- [city six] talk to promoter (no response)

Thursday, January 4, 2024

labels labels labels

It's increasingly clear that social media is no longer a place for the little shower thoughts, or recommendations, or little stories you sometimes randomly remember - it's just a relentless hot take machine these days, so I thought I'd pop in here with a few words.

Just remembering, not so fondly, about a time where a label agreed to put an album out of mine, then spent 6 months not doing anything, then replied to a catch up email from myself by saying it now wasn't happening for some reason. Mad, isn't it? How someone can just waste half a year of your life and you just sit there and think 'oh well'. Absolutely insane industry.

Wasn't the only time that's happened in my life too. One label emailed me saying he'd literally just forgot to put an EP of mine out, and would I be ok if he just put it out later that afternoon. 'no, you're alright' I replied and did it myself a few months later.

There was a label, way back in the early days, that said I would have a contract in the post and could I sign it. It never arrived, and after asking what on earth was happening, the label just ended. Great stuff. This was like a year or so into the band (which, by the way, celebrates it's 18th birthday this month), so not a cracking start to the satan lifecycle.

One dropped me almost instantly after agreeing to put a record out, which was news to the legal guy who had just sent me a contract to sign. That was a fun afternoon.

Another said I'd have to change a record for them to consider. I did, and then got told it wasn't "sexy" enough. Lol, they got in the bin.

One never responded to me after putting out a record I did in conjunction with someone else, so ended up having to buy my own fucking CD. That was a new one. He ended up signing the other guy too, lol.

I've had my fair share of 'sure I'll listen to it' from labels, only for them to never listen, or sometimes they listen but never respond (the surefire way to tell me you weren't bothered), but getting so far as 'yes I will put this out', having masters and artwork ready to go, then having the rug pulled, is an altogether different experience. And not a nice one either.

So, I dunno what the point of this was, just wanted to get it off my chest, and let you all know that even when everything seems to be going well, this industry has a real habit of fucking with you.